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he European Union enables its citizens to enjoy a comparatively high standard of living – with social security, social participation, personal fulfilment and social prosperity. In order to guarantee this in the future, the EU needs fair social policies that help those in need and competitive economic policies that strengthen Europe as a business hub in the long term.

That is why we will:

  • work towards a competitive, resilient and sustainable economy that creates jobs;

  • not create any new administrative hurdles in Europe until a strategy is in place to significantly reduce red tape;

  • ensure that employees can increasingly work from home in order to improve their work life balance;

  • strengthen European cooperation in the healthcare sector and expand medical production and storage capacities in order to ensure a reliable supply of medicine and medical products for the public;

  • take action against all forms of dumping, particularly with regard to social and sustainability standards;

  • combat all forms of persecution and discrimination against people based on gender, sexual orientation and any other form of identity;

  • quickly introduce the EU disability card to ensure uniform recognition of the status and thus simplified access to services


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